To my Mom with love...
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January 22, 1920. A baby girl was born in a small town in Spain, in the region of Murcia.
The small town's name? Cieza. Her parents, Alonso Bernal and Pascuala Marin, named
her Carmen. I called her Mami.
It's simply impossible for me to tell her life story without writing a book. Her life was not
a simple one. If I had the talent I would write a movie script and send it to Clint Eastwood,
for him to direct. But I don't. So I will try my best in this little tribute.
Although she was very loved by her parents, hard times were brewing in
Spain... and during a visit from her older sisters, Josefa and Antonia, who lived
in Valencia, little Carmen asked her mother if she could go live with them. She was
only 9 years old. Her mother consented to what later on in life my mother never
understood... A mother letting go of her child...
Both sisters, Antonia and Josefa, worked in a circus. I believe it was called Circo Romero.
The owner and his wife, were very good and kind people. They had no children of their
own and when they met my mother, they decided to be her Godparents, helping to raise
her, providing her with lots of love...and even tutors!
Years passed.
This magnificent photos of my mother and her Pekingese dog, Neron, was taken
by a well known photographer in July 27, 1933, in Jativa, Valencia.
On the back it's dedicated to her parents and brothers, with love.
Her "new family" absolutely adored her...and her sisters were very close to her. In this
next photo she is with her "uncle", whom she talked about with love. This was 1935. What a
beautiful teenager she was...
She lived through one of the most grueling wars. The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939.
During this period, Spain imported canned meat from Russia. My mother was
intoxicated by this meat when she was about 17 years old....and suffered from amnesia
for 6 months. She said to me jokingly once, that it probably caused some brain
damaged other wise she wouldn't have married my dad....
Years passed, and she got more beautiful. In this photo with sister Josefa (kneeling
behind the young boy) and cousins, she was around 19.
About a year or so after this photo, three popular clowns were hired by her uncle...
You see the one in the middle? She fell for him...Yes, that is my dad, Gabriel Aragon.
The other two are my uncles, Emilio and Alfonso.
They were the sons of Emilio Aragon...who belonged to the even more famous trio
of Pompoff, Theddy and Emig. The one to the right, with the face painted black is
my grandfather.
My mother's uncle was not happy when he found out she fell in love with this young man,
but she was smitten and did not listen to his advice. When their contract ended ...she
eloped with Gabriel. Her life would not be a bed of roses from then dad, (first
to the left) was a wonderful, very talented man, but also a very jealous one, and there was
constant traveling...train after after mother cooked, cleaned,
hand washed, and ironed all their clothes. She became a great seamstress out of
necessity ...she even did my father's, beautiful, complicated and pain staking,
sequence outfits for him to shine on stage. Hours and hours of sewing by hand
at night. It was the only way she could do it without interruptions. Her quiet time...
beautiful materials, sequence, needle and thimble. But above all peace.
In 1942 they had their first child, and only son, Gabriel. My mother almost died
during labor. A breeched baby being delivered in a circus in a dusty, little town of
Caceres, where there wasn't even a Doctor available. Although, my father rushed to
a nearby town to look for help. By the time they returned the Doctor gave no hope
of survival.
However, she was a strong woman, with an iron will and pulled through...a couple
of days later she was traveling in a train...on a wooden seat.
In 1944 they were living in Madrid, with my dad's father, Emilio, and his second
wife Mercedes. In that house in mother was near death again from
rheumatoidal fever. Weeks in bed. Her hands and feet deformed...once again the
Doctors gave no hope, and if she lived she would be crippled. She overcame the illness.
Her hands and feet went back to normal, allowing her a "normal" life. However,
her heart became enlarged. She would not know this until her 50's when her heart
started giving her problems...
My parents relationship was a turbulent one...and although she still loved him, his
temper and jealousy at times were unbearable. She almost left him. Almost. Her brother,
Antonio, was willing to help her and wanted to take care of her. But...when mom, was
ready to pack her bags...she found out she was pregnant, and with a second child on the
way...they got married. A few months later she and her sister in law, Juanita would
spend the next months by themselves in Alicante, while the brothers went to Cuba for a
six month contract...
My mom gave birth to my sister, Hilda, in 1947, at the boarding house they were staying,
assisted by my Aunt Juanita. Months went by, and mom and Aunt Juanita, received a telegram
from their husbands letting them know their contract was renewed. Stop. You will be
traveling to New York. Stop. Then go on to Cuba. Stop.
And so it was....small town girls...traveled in a ship with 3 small children to New York. Take a
look at the postcards mom sent her sisters....
This one says: New York 11-15-47
My dearest sisters. I hope that you are well. We have arrived well from our trip,
thanks be to God. As you can see by this post card this city is beautiful and the buildings
are very tall. The day after tomorrow we will continue traveling by airplane to Cuba,
where Gabriel and Alfonso await for us. I will write to you when I get there. In this
hotel were we are staying, there is a bathroom in our own room and radio. It is a formidable
life. Sending many kisses, your sister. Carmen.
This other one is dedicated to her sister Josefina: 11-15-47
Josefina, this is the hotel where we are living. Where I have marked the X is our room,
more or less.
Kisses, Carmen
They all loved Cuba...and Gaby, Fofo and Miliki, changed their image and were a huge hit!!
Working circus...a television show, and night clubs!!
Mom loved her new home....her life in Cuba....
During the 13 years they lived in Cuba, they kept traveling...working in other countries for
short periods of time. Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Colombia were a few..
July 13, 1950. Document from the Spanish
Embassy in Guatemala.
In 1952, mom is expecting her third child. On July 9 th, after a most difficult pregnancy,
my sister, Maribel, a beautiful little girl with hazel eyes was born. A very special
delivery it was...for the first time my mother gave birth at a hospital.
Destiny assigned Maribel the care of mom during her last and hardest years fighting
Five years later in 1957, mom delivered, her fourth child. My sister Maria del Carmen, or
Cary as we call her today. This blonde, blue eyed, little girl of marked strong character
would become the apple of my father's eyes.
In 1960 their life in Cuba would end. Castro took over the Island. Mom was expecting
again. However, they had to leave in a hurry. This next photo belongs to the passport that
was used to leave Cuba.
From Cuba they "jumped" to to Puerto Rico, where they would take a ship to Spain.
She was 40 years old now, and on June 24, 1960, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on San Juan's day,
she gave birth to Juana Maria, her 5 th and last child. There were complications due to a
large hemorrage, and needed several pints of blood...
The next photo is a treasure of mine. Her tenderness as she looks at me, after being so ill,
never ceases to amaze me..
Ten days later, mom and all the family, were on a ship returning to their home land. Spain.
This was the ship. El Satrustegui. I was baptized on this the middle of the Atlantic
As it is mentioned on the lower left hand corner of this document dating July 8, 1960.
On it, my father altered their wedding date to May 2, 1941...carefully planned by them,
so we, their children would not find out that my brother, Gabriel, was born out of wedlock
in 1942. My mother would be heartbroken if we would take many years for her
to open up about it. I accidentally found out at 17, looking through her documents.
(I must say...that one of the things I have admired the most about my father was his
penmanship. Truly magnificent. Full of character and distinct. Artistic, as his life was....)
But they kept traveling ...and after only 6 months in Spain...we were back in New York!
Here's my father holding me while taking a stroll in Central Park, on December 1960.
And from here life was "Between U.S.A and Spain"...and other countries.
Venezuela 1967.
Mom and Dad seated at the right side of the table, with family. 1968 Venezuela. Back to
New York, Chicago, Florida....and Puerto Rico where my father ends up divorcing my mom
for a young girl in 1970. My mother's life as she had known it, surrounded by family ended. was a chance for new found freedom. At 50 she learns how to drive!
The rest of the family goes to Argentina. Mom, Cary and Madrid, Spain. Very
lonely...difficult time. We stayed for 2 years...
During that time Mom took us to meet our grandmother, uncles and cousins in Cieza. Here
she is with Grandmother Pascuala. She was in her 80's....and passed away at 103!
Then came California years close to Hilda.
She was her happiest in California...
She visited Gabriel, who lived in New York....
She was always so proud of him...and loved him dearly!
More visits to Spain...
Florida, 1979. Mami, Cary, Alex, Hilda and Veronica.
Holding her 14 th, and last grandchild.
My sister Cary's named her Carmen, to
honor our mother.
Mom at 79 years old with her four girls....
On October 6th, 2002, my mother's heart stopped beating.
Her love for us never did...
We still feel it.
Happy Birthday MAMI!!!
With love your children, Gabriel, Hilda, Maribel, Cary, and Juani...
Grandkids...Olga, Gabriel, Oscar, Alex, Veronica, Ana Isabel, Carolina,
Adriana, Laura, Alex, Carmen, Mayra, Christopher, and Sandra...
Great grandkids...Olga, Carson, Savannah, McKayla, David, Cameron,
Daniel, Ivan, Alberto, Gabriel, and Alonso.
P.S. I will come back to work on this post. It has been too much in too little time...and
hard on my emotions...
1 comment:
my dearest sister Juani; Thank you so much for writing this about Mom, What a beautiful dedication to her and what a gift to us her children grandchildren and great grandchildren to have and to hold in honor of her that loved us a;; so much!I had to start reading from the the top three times, as I could not see through the tears....My heart was melting remembering her life and her beauty.Most beautiful smile I have ever seen! I thank you form the bottom of my heart for this gift you have given us all...some time from our lives to honor and spend in her memory. I love you my sistercita!!!!! GRACIAS!!!!!!
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